• Female and male sterilization (e.g., female tubal ligation, male vasectomy). Birth control options that prevents pregnancy for the rest of your life through surgery or a medical procedure.

  • Long-acting reversible contraceptives or “LARC” methods (e.g., IUDs or intraurterine devices, hormonal implants). Birth control that your doctor inserts one time and you do not have to remember to take every day or month. LARCs last for three to 10 years, depending on the method.
  • Short-acting hormonal methods (e.g., pill, mini pills, patch, shot, vaginal ring). Birth control that your healthcare provider prescribes and that you are required to take every day or month. For the shot, you need to see your healthcare provider every three months.
  • Barrier methods (e.g., condoms, diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap). Birth control that you use each time you have sex.
  • Fertility awareness methods — Not using a type of birth control but instead avoiding sex and/or using birth control only on the days when you are most fertile. An ovulation home test kit or a fertility monitor can help you find your most fertile days.

View and download a chart showing the range of available birth control options: Chart of Birth Control Options.

Click here to read more about hormonal versus non-hormonal contraception.

To learn more about contraception decision-making, click here.

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birth control options